Amendment to “A Bill for the Construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal,” [21
December 1835]1
The Governor shall, during the recess of the General Assembly, for any good cause, ^shall have power to^ remove any or all of the said commissioners from office, and to suply vacancies accasioned by such removals; which appointments shall continue until other appointments are
made by the General Assembly.
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1On December 21, 1835, Abraham Lincoln presented to the Illinois House of Representatives this document, written in his handwriting, proposing an amendment to the eighth section
of the canal bill. The House rejected Lincoln’s amendment by a vote of 26 yeas to 28 nays, with Lincoln
voting yea.
Illinois House Journal. 1835. 9th G. A., 2nd sess., 119.
Handwritten Document, 2 page(s), Lincoln Collection, Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL).