Resolution Introduced in Illinois Legislature to Permit Citizens to Use the Hall of
Representatives, [21 February 1839]1
Resolved, That the use of the hall of the House of Representatives be tendered to the ladies and gentlemen resident at and visiting the town of Vandalia, on the evening of the 22d of February, instant, for the purpose of any public amusement
they may choose to indulge in.2
1A version written in Abraham Lincoln’s handwriting is not extant.
On February 21, 1839, Lincoln introduced the resolution in the House of Representatives, and the House adopted it the same day.
Illinois House Journal. 1838. 11th G. A., 1st sess.,
2“Any public amusement” most likely was associated with the commemoration and celebration
of George Washington’s birthday.
Printed Document, 1 page(s), Illinois House Journal. 1838. 11th G. A., 1st sess., 476.