Check of Levi Davis to Abraham Lincoln, 1 March 18391
$302 00/100 No. 1452
Cashier of the Vandalia Branch State Bank of Illinois, Pay toAbraham Lincoln or order, the sum of Three hundred & Two dollars andcents, it being in full for his services as a member of the General Assembly, Session1838 & 9
(The holder of this warrant will be entitled to six per cent. interest from date, until redeemed by the State.2
(Countersigned and Registered.)
Levi Davis
Auditor of Public Accounts.
John D. Whiteside Treasurer.

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[ endorsement ]
//A Lincoln
1This partially printed check was filled in by Levi Davis and signed by Davis and John D. Whiteside. Abraham Lincoln endorsed it on the back side.
2Members of the General Assembly earned $4 for each day’s attendance at the session, plus an additional $4 for every twenty miles of necessary travel in coming to and returning from the statehouse. In addition, members periodically received additional sums--often $100--through partial appropriation bills.

Partially Printed Document Signed, 2 page(s), Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL).