An act to regulate the compensation of Post masters, to exempt certain newspapers from Postage and to reduce the postage on transcient news papers.
Laws of 1847 page 52 S 1.
Laws of 1825 page [63?], S 41 id page 53 S 14
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the senate & House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled that in lieu of commissions allowed post-masters by the fourteenth section of the act entitled “an act to reduce into one the several acts establishing and regulating the post-office department” passed the third day of March in the year eighteen hundred & twenty five the Post Master General is hereby required to allow on the proceeds of the respective offices in any one quarter of a year on a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars forty per cent; on a sum over the first hundred and not exceeding four hundred dollars thirty three and one third per cent; on a sum over and above the first four hundred dollars and not exceeding twenty four hundred dollars thirty per cent; on a sum over twenty four hundred dollars twelve and a half per cent and a like proportion for any shor-
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ter period of time; on all sums arising from the postage of newspapers, magazines and pamphlets fifty per cent: on the amount of postage on letters on pamphlets received for distribution seven per cent. all allowances, commissions or other emoluments of such post masters shall be subject to the limitations contained in the ^1^ forty first Section of the aforesaid act, and the annual compensation therein limited shall be computed for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of July and ending on the thirtieth day of June in each year: and that for any period less than a year the restrictions contained in said Section shall be held to apply in a due proportion for such fractional period. The compensation to any post master under the foregoing provisions to be computed upon the receipts at his office of a larger sum shall in no case fall short of the amount to which he would be entitled upon a smaller sum received at his office.
Laws of 1847 1845 page 52 S 1.
See laws of 1845
Sec 2. And be it further enacted that all news papers of no greater size or [superfices?]
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than two thousand square inches may be transmitted through the mail[...?] from the nearest post office of each [edition?] to the place of publication by the editors or publishers therof to all subscribers or other persons within thirty miles from the place where such paper shall be printed free from charge for postage. and that all news papers commonly called transcient newspapers shall be charged with the postage of one cent each and no more if directed to any place in the same state in which the same shall be mailed [or to?] or to any place not exceeding one hundred miles distant from the office where such news paper shall be mailed and all other transcient news papers shall be charged with a postage of two cents and no more. The postage on all transcient news papers shall be paid in advance by the person putting the same in the post office.
Sec 3. and be it further enacted that the Post Master General may & he is hereby required to allow [?] pay to post Masters who have received ^or shall receive^ commissions under the act entitled “an act to amend the act entitled an act to reduce the rates of postage, to
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limit the use & correct the abuse of ^the^ franking privilege and for the prevention of frauds on the post office revenues of the Post Office Department passed the third of March eighteen hundred & forty five, passed on the first day of March in the year eighteen hundred & forty seven the [...?] amount of ^deficiency in their^ Commissions that each would be entitled to have been entitled to had this act been in force prior to & at the time of the operation of said last mentioned act. which payments may be made in adjusting the amounts of the post masters & increasing their commissions hereafter to [amend?] so as equitably to meet such deficiency in the commissions of post masters. all acts inconsistant with this act are hereby repealed.

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an act to regulate the compensation of Post-Masters; to exempt certain newspapers from postage & to reduce the postage on transcient newspapers.
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T. Jenkins
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19 H R
P. O & P. R
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H R. 233
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February 28. 1848
Mr Jenkins, on leave introduced the following bill which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads
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A Bill to regulate the compensation of Post Masters; to exempt certain newspapers from postage and to reduce the postage on transcient newspapers.

Handwritten Document, 5 page(s), RG 233, Entry 362: Records of the United States House of Representatives, Thirtieth Congress, 1847-1849, Records of Legislative Proceedings, Bills and Resolutions Originating in the House, 1847-1849, NAB ,