Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois. Represented in the General assembly That the sum of seventy five dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated to Douglass Merrell, to William Gassaway twenty five dollars. to be paid on the warrant of the auditor out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated; in full compensation for the apprehension by said Merrell. of Henry C. Shouse, since convicted of murder in the Pope County Circuit Court,
[ certification ]
David Prickett
Passed the H. R. Decr 12th 1834.
D. Prickett Clk[Clerk] H. R.

<Page 2>
[ docketing ]
H. R.
A Bill for an act for the relief of Duglass Merrell ^and William Gassaway^
[ docketing ]
[ docketing ]
David Prickett
to be Enrolled
Clk. H. R.
[ docketing ]
Re Engrossed

Handwritten Document, 2 page(s), Folder 7, HB 10, GA Session: 9-1, Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL) ,