3rd sect.[section] | 1st line | struck out, Two, and inserted one |
2st li“ | struck out, Years & inserted year, | |
4st li“ | after the word money, added, upon payment, of costs and all reasonable charges, | |
4th sect. | 3rd line | struck out, Two years and inserted one year |
13 | after the word thereof added, upon payment of all costs and reasonable costs & charges, and if the taker up & the owner cannot agree upon the charges they shall call upon their disinterested house holders who’s decision shall be binding on both parties | |
27 line | struck out, two months & inserted, 20, days | |
31st line | after the word struck out, Three and inserted Two, and inserted after the word the, Clerk of the | |
32nd line | after the word county inserted “or before the justice of the peace before whom the property was taken up. | |
33 | after the word court, inserted, or justice of the peace | |
sect. 6th | 17 line, | amend by adding after the word committed; One half to the use of the county and the other half to the use of the person suing for the same. |
<Page 2>
sect. 12. | 11. [ |
[ docketing
Amendments in committee of the whole to the Estray bill
Handwritten Document, 2 page(s), Folder 2, HB 5, GA Session: 9-1,
Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL)