Sec[Section] 1 Be it enacted by the people [of the State] of Illinois represented in the General [Assembly] That hereafter whenever the balance due [the State] Bank of Illinois from the State [of Illinois] shall exceed the sum of ten ^thousand^ dollars, it [?] the duty of the auditor of Public accounts[?] return of the warrants paid by said [?] his certificate in favor of said Bank[?] balance so due which said certificate [?] bear interest at the rate of [six?] per centum [?]from date, until paid Provided that [?] this act contained, shall in any manner [?] the provisions of an act to provide for [?] keeping and security of the public money [?] March 4th 1837.
Sec 2 The auditor of Public [accounts][?] immediately after the passage of this[?] certificate in favor of said Bank for [?] balance due said Bank on the [?] settlement which said certificate shall [?] interest as provided for in the first section of this act.
[ certification ]
Passed the H R 9 Feby [1839]
D Prickett Clk[Clerk] H [R]

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[No 67?]
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A Bill for an act to regulate interest on Auditors Warrants
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H R Com Finance
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[ docketing ]
to be enrolled as amended
Clk H R

Handwritten Document, 2 page(s), Folder 175, HB 224, GA Session 11-1, Illinois State Archives [Springfield, IL] ,