We the undersigned petitioners, a part of whome labour under verry great inconvenience in regard to Mail facilities living at a great distance from any Post Office, would humbly represent to the Post office department at the City of Washington, that a mail Rout might be established from west Port in Jackson county mo. to Harrisonville in Van Buren County which would be of verry great service to your petitioners in releving them from their embarrased condition and could be no disadvantage to the Government, if the prayer of your petitioners should be granted you petitioners would recomend that two post offices be established one at James B. Yeagers in Jackson county to be called High Blue the other at William Baileys in Van Buren county to be called Baileysville, for the above mail rout and post offices to be established, we your petioners in duty bound would ever pray.
names names
1 George W Rowland 7 William J R Bailey
2 William M Thomas 8 Thomas H Morelan
3 James Bailey 9 Benjamin C Adkins
4 James Carothers 10 James M Adkins
5 James B Bailey 11 Hairis C Jackson
6 william Chiltian 12 Thomas Wilburn

<Page 2>
Petisioners names 46 Petisioners names
13 William Dixon 47 Thomas Music
14 William MC Clane 48 James Music
15 Absolum Hicks. 49 Joseph [phu?]
16 Robert E Price 50 Reuben vaughn
17 John olaver 51 Charles Stephenson
18 R. E. Price 52 Josiah vaughn
19 John Majors 53 Archibald Bouler
20 Temple F Smith 54 Wiliam Bouler
55 John Bowler
21 James Stalkup 56 Stphen Abston
22 David Findley 57 M, P Berry
23 David Colestone 58 John Bartleson
24 Alexander Majors 59 Sidney. S. Bartleson
25 Edward Dale 60 Andrew Bartleson
26 James B Yager 61 John G Holloway
27 John S Watts sen 62 Huphry E Mcspeddon
28 Charles Duncan
29 Richard C Berry 63 John Shelton
30 [Linhugh?] Fox 64 Nathan E herelston
31 William M [Were?] 65 Ritcherd willan
32 Jesse Yourne 66 Luke Wilburn
33 John. F. Duncan 67 Jesse abston
34 C. B. Watts 68 Benjamin McClane
35 John S Watts Jr 69 Jarrett McClane
36 D Watts 70 Guy Smith
37 John Royalston 71 Wiett Adkins
38 Charles Gage 72 William H adkins
39 George Tharp 73 Richard W Massey
40 Joseph Ward 74 Abel Massey
41 John Wear 75 Henry massey
42 Alexander Fox 76 John S. Meador
43 Willam Burtain 77 Henry Corlue
44 Lewis Music 78 James v White
45 Ephraim Music

<Page 3>
[?] petisioners names
79 James Corlue
80 John Curlue Senior
81 Jesse Medor
82 William Bailey Senior
83 Beverly F Burton
84 Joseph ferel
85 Feels Bledsaw
86 William Bailey Ju
87 Aquila Davis
88 John Alderson
89 John Fine
90 Allexan Rice
91 Robert Hameton
92 Hugh Hamelton
93 urchebel oliver
94 John a hick
95 Josep Wear
96 W. P. Barney

<Page 4>
[ docketing ]
Petition of W. J. R. Bailey & others praying the establishment of a Post route from Westport to Harrisonville in the State of Missouri
[ docketing ]
February 15, 1848 Referred to the Committee on the Post office & Post Roads
[ docketing ]
Com. on P.O. & P Roads
[ docketing ]

Handwritten Document Signed, 4 page(s), RG 233, Entry 367: Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, Thirtieth Congress, 1847-1849, Records of Legislative Proceedings, Petitions and Memorials, Resolutions of State Legislatures, and Related Documents Which Were Referred to Committees, 1847-1849, NAB,