In force, Feb.[February] 26, 1841.
An ACT for the relief of Nathan Lowe and others.
Fine remitted.
Sec.[Section] 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the fine of twenty-five dollars imposed on Nathan Lowe, of Shelby county, at the October term of one thousand eight hundred and forty, of the circuit court, of the said county of Shelby, for firing the prairie, be, and the same is hereby remitted.
Fine remitted
Sec. 2. That the fine adjudged against Peyton Brown of
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the county of Perry for the crime of firing prairies, be, and the same is hereby remitted.2
Approved, February, 26, 1841.
1On November 30, 1840, Owen Prentice in the House of Representatives presented the petition of Nathan Lowe, requesting remission of a fine incurred by him for setting fire to the prairie. The House referred the petition to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Committee on the Judiciary reported back the petition on December 19, and the House discharged it from further consideration. On December 22, the House referred the petition to a select committee. In response to the petition, Prentice of the aforesaid select committee introduced HB 109 in the House on January 14, 1841. On February 6, the House referred the bill to a select committee. The select committee reported back the bill on February 22 with an amendment, in which the House concurred. The House passed the bill as amended, amending the title by adding the words “and others.” The Senate concurred on or before February 25. On February 26, the Council of Revision approved the bill and the act became law.
Illinois House Journal. 1840. 12th G. A., 36, 135, 148, 226, 248, 254, 344, 458, 523, 528, 530; Illinois Senate Journal. 1840. 12th G. A., 377, 407.
2On February 6, 1841, the House of Representatives amended the bill by adding this section. It also added “and others” to the title. In February 1819, the General Assembly passed a law regulating the firing of woods, prairies, and other lands. In 1823, the General Assembly amended this act by allowing farmers to set on fire woods and prairies immediately adjoining their farms each year between April 15 and October 15.
“An Act regulating the firing of woods, prairies, and other lands,” 20 February 1819, Laws of the State of Illinois (1819), 384-85; “An Act to amend the act entitled, ‘An act regulating the firing of woods, prairies, and other lands,” 14 February 1823, Laws of the State of Illinois (1823), 140; Illinois House Journal. 1840. 12th G. A., 458;

Printed Document, 2 page(s), Laws of the State of Illinois, Passed by the Twelfth General Assembly (Springfield, IL: William Walters, 1841), 211-12, GA Session 12-2,