Old Soldier
City: Springfield
County: Sangamon
State: Illinois
The Old Soldier was a newspaper published by Simeon Francis to support William Henry Harrison's presidential bid and thus only existed in 1840 for 18 issues. Its editors were Edward D. Baker, Anson G. Henry, Abraham Lincoln, and Joshua F. Speed.
Michael Burlingame, Abraham Lincoln: A Life (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 2008), 1:159; Kenneth Winkle, The Young Eagle: The Rise of Abraham Lincoln (Dallas: Taylor, 2001), 195; Franklin W. Scott, "Newspapers and Periodicals of Illinois, 1814-1879" (PhD diss., University of Illinois, 1910), 323; Anson G. Henry and others to the Readers of The Old Soldier; http://idnc.library.illinois.edu/cgi-bin/illinois?a=cl&cl=CL1&sp=oldsoldier&e=-------en-20--1--txt-txIN-------.