Asher, Nelson R.

Born: 1809-07-14 Tennessee

Died: 1850-07-25 Mason County, Illinois

Flourished: 1832-1839 Sangamon County, Illinois

Alternate name: Ashurst

In 1832, Asher (or Ashurst) and his wife Jemima emigrated from Tennessee to Sangamon County. By 1838, the family had settled in Mason County, where they purchased a large quantity of land in present-day Bath Township. In 1848, Asher opened a ferry across the Sangamon River.

The History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois (Chicago: O. L. Baskin, 1879), 570-71, 812; Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales, Mason County, 69:157, 70:116, 70:67, 818:101, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; U.S. Census Office, Seventh Census of the United States (1850), Mason County, IL; Gravestone, Ashurst Family Cemetery, Bath, IL; Illinois Journal (Springfield), 30 March 1848, 3:3.