Austin, Nathan
Born: 1813-XX-XX Tennessee
Flourished: Coles County, Illinois
Nathan Austin was a farmer. Austin married Lucinda Parker in August 1834 in Coles County, Illinois. In December 1834, he purchased eighty acres of public land in northwest Coles County in the area that would become part of Douglas County. Two years later, Austin acquired forty acres of public land southwest of Charleston in what would become Hutton Township. After Lucinda Austin’s death, Nathan married Harriet Parker in January 1844. In 1850, he was farming his land near Charleston and owned real property valued at $1,300. In 1860, Nathan and Harriet were raising four children. By that year, he had amassed $3,000 in real estate and $150 in personal property. Harriet Austin died in February 1861.
Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, Coles County, 5 August 1834, 21 January 1844, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales, Coles County, 145:47, 291:144, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; U.S. Census Office, Seventh Census of the United States (1850), Coles County, IL, 77; U.S. Census Office, Eighth Census of the United States (1860), Coles County, Illinois, 315; Gravestone, Harriet Parker Austin, Parker Cemetery #2, Coles County, IL.