Berry, John M.
Born: 1790-1800
By 1822, Berry had moved from Kentucky and Indiana to settle in what is now Menard County, Illinois. An ordained Presbyterian minister, he was an original member of both the Illinois Presbytery (1822) and the Sangamon Presbytery (1828). As an itinerant minister, Berry founded many Presbyterian churches in central Illinois. Politically, Berry was a Democrat.
U.S. Census Office, Fifth Census of the United States (1830), Sangamon County, IL, 135; Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales, Menard County, 68:22, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; B. W. McDonnold, History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Nashville, TN: Board of Publication of Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1888), 173, 205, 306; R. D. Miller, Past and Present of Menard County, Illinois (Chicago: S. J. Clarke, 1905), 51, 103, 470.