Holland, Henry
Born: 1788 North Carolina
Died: 1856-05-23 Menard County, Illinois
Flourished: Menard County, Illinois
In 1819, Holland emigrated from North Carolina to a part of Sangamon County, Illinois, that would later become Menard County. Holland was a farmer, and by 1850, he owned $2,000 in land.
U.S. Census Office, Fifth Census of the United States (1830), Sangamon County, IL, 134; U.S. Census Office, Seventh Census of the United States (1850), Menard County, IL, 318; Gravestone, Oakford Cemetery, Oakford, IL; Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales, Menard County, 68:77, 241, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; The History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois (Chicago: O. L. Baskin, 1879), 790.