Penny, Hiram (Myram)
Born: 1790-10-05 North Carolina
Died: 1852-12-30 Sangamon County, Illinois
Flourished: Sangamon County, Illinois
Alternate name: Penney
Hiram Penny, who also went by Myram, owned property in Pope County, Illinois, as early as 1817. In 1828, he purchased public land in Sangamon County, Illinois, where he resided the remainder of his life. In 1850, he was engaged in farming and owned real estate valued at $2,000.
Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales, Pope County, 86:225; Sangamon County, 68:38, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; U.S. Census Office, Seventh Census of the United States (1850), Sangamon County, IL, 245; Gravestone, Richland Baptist Church Cemetery, Pleasant Plains, IL.