Simmons, Julius
Born: 1793-XX-XX
Flourished: 1831-1840 Menard County, Illinois
Julius Simmons was an early settler in Sangamon County, Illinois. In 1833 and 1838, he purchased land near Oakford in would later become Menard County. By 1850, he was living and farming in Jo Daviess County, Illinois.
The History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois (Chicago: O. L. Baskin, 1879), 378; U.S. Census Office, Sixth Census of the United States (1840), Menard County, IL, 292; Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales, Menard County, 68:142, 70:47, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; U.S. Census Office, Seventh Census of the United States (1850), Council Hill, Jo Daviess County, IL, 103.