Yeargin, Parmenio

Born: 1813-09-26 Randolph County, North Carolina

Died: 1879-02-26 Edgar County, Illinois

Flourished: Paris, Illinois

Dr. Parmenio Yeargin moved to Edgar County, Illinois, in 1836, first living in Stratton Township but soon moving to Elbridge Township. He worked on his father's farm and taught school while studying medicine. Yeargin opened his medical practice in 1839 and became a prominent doctor in the region. In July 1845, he married Catharine Parker, and the couple had at least eight children. A Republican, he held several public offices including postmaster and school treasurer. In 1858, Parmenio served as an Edgar County delegate to the 1858 Illinois Republican Convention.

The History of Edgar County, Illinois (Chicago: Wm. Le Baron, Jr., 1879), 706;Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, Edgar County, 19 July 1845, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; U.S. Census Office, Eighth Census of the United States (1860), Edgar County, IL, 133; U.S. Census Office, Ninth Census of the United States (1870), Edgar County, IL, 25; Record of Appointment of Postmasters, 1832-1971, NARA Microfilm Publication, M841, 145 rolls, Records of the Post Office Department, RG 28, 1845-1855, 18:48, National Archives Building, Washington, DC; George W. Rives to Abraham Lincoln; Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield), 17 June 1858, 2:3; Gravestone, New Providence Cemetery, Paris, IL.