
State: Mississippi

Lat/Long: 83.0000, -90.0000

Created from the Mississippi Territory on December 10, 1817, Mississippi was a slave state and sided with the Confederacy during the Civil War. Its capital was originally located at Natchez but moved to Jackson in 1821.

"An Act to Enable the People of the Western Part of the Mississippi Territory to Form a Constitution and State Government, and for the Admission of Such State into the Union, on an Equal Footing with the Original States," 1 March 1817, Statutes at Large of the United States 3 (1846):348-49; "Resolution for the Admission of the State of Mississippi into the Union," 10 December 1817, Statutes at Large of the United States 3 (1846):472-73; Westley F. Busbee, Jr., Mississippi: A History 2d ed. (Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2015), 75, 78.