Ellis Grove, Illinois

City: Ellis Grove

County: Randolph

State: Illinois

Lat/Long: 38.0000, -89.9000

Located about eight miles northwest of Chester, Illinois and two miles east of the Kaskaskia River, Ellis Grove was founded in about 1852. It was named after George Ellis, a shopkeeper and the village's first postmaster. Locals nicknamed it "Dryburg" because, for a time, it had no taverns. The U.S. Post Office Department established a post office in the village in August 1853.

James N. Adams, comp., Illinois Place Names (Springfield: Illinois State Historical Society, 1989), 353; Combined History of Randolph, Monroe and Perry Counties, Illinois (Philadelphia: J. L. McDonough, 1883), 314; Edward Callary, Place Names of Illinois (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2009), 110.