Abraham Lincoln to Francis P. Blair Sr. and John C. Rives, 3 November 18351
Your subscriber at this place John C Vance, is dead; and no person takes the paper from this office2
RespectfullyA. Lincoln P. M[Postmaster]3Blair & Rives.
[ endorsement ]
4. 50
416. W from 28. Febry 34[February 1834] $4.504
1Abraham Lincoln wrote the entirety of the text, aside from that denoted by a footnote.
2It is likely that Lincoln was referring to The Globe, a popular Democratic political newspaper. However, Blair and Rives also published the Congressional Globe, so it is possible he was referring to that less circulated newspaper.
3Lincoln served as Postmaster at New Salem from May 7, 1833 to May 30, 1836.
4This notation is not in Lincoln’s hand, and it is unlikely that it is related to the content of the letter.

Autograph Letter Signed, 1 page(s), Taper Collection, Lincoln Presidential Foundation (Springfield, IL).