Abraham Lincoln to Jesse W. Fell, 1 March 18481
Friend Fell.
Your kind letter of the 7th Feb:[February] enclosing a petition for peace, was received a day or two ago–2 I shall present it at the proper time–
It now seems to be understood on all hands that the war is over– that the treaty sent in will be ratified–3
I will try to get the time to write you a longer letter soon; but I am really too much hurried to do so now–
Yours as ever–A Lincoln.J. W. FellPayson Ills.
<Page 2>
A. Lincoln
Jesse W. FellPaysonIllinois
1Abraham Lincoln wrote and signed this letter. The address on the second page, which was folded to form an envelope, is in another hand.
2Jesse W. Fell’s letter and the enclosed petition have not been located. As a strong adherent of the Whig Party, Fell disapproved of the Mexican War and James K. Polk’s management of the conflict.
Francis Milton I. Morehouse, The Life of Jesse W. Fell, vol. 5, of University of Illinois Studies in Social Sciences (Urbana: University of Illinois 1916), 31.
3For the terms of the treaty and ratification process, see: Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.

Autograph Letter Signed, 2 page(s), GLC06413, Gilder Lehrman Collection (New York, New York).