Abraham Lincoln to Samuel Caldwell, 27 May 18581
Samuel Caldwell, Esq[Esquire]My dear Sir
Your letter of the 17th of March, asking an opportunity to study law in my office, I ^have^ had a long time–2 It would afford me pleasure to oblige you; but you perhaps are not aware that I do not keep office in a way that is most suitable for a young man to study law in– I am from home perhaps more than half my time, so that as a preceptor, I should be of no value– You will find many better opportunities here than in my office–3
Very RespectfullyA. Lincoln

<Page 2>
SPRI[NGFIEL]D Ill.[Illinois]
M[AY] 2[?] 18[58]
Samuel Caldwell, Esq(Yale College)New-HavenConnecticut.
[ endorsement ]
Written by Abraham Lincoln4
1Abraham Lincoln wrote and signed this letter.
2Samuel Caldwell’s March 17th letter to Lincoln has not been located.
3There is no evidence that Caldwell ever studied in Lincoln’s law office.
4An unknown person wrote this endorsement.

Autograph Letter Signed, 2 page(s), Private Collection, Unknown.