Abraham Lincoln to John M. Bush, 28 July 18461
Friend Bush
Inclosed is your license, certified in due form; and your name having been duly placed on the Roll of attorneys–2 Let me correct a little mistake of yours– You say in your note that you understand one dollars to be the customary charge for my part of the trouble– The one dollar is the customary charge for the clerk's part of the trouble– My charge for such things is nothing at all; and I make this explanation to remove the impression that I would accept a money compensation for the like–
Yours sincerely–A. Lincoln
<Page 2>
SPR[ING]FIELD Ill.[Illinois]
JUL[July] 29
10John Milton Bush Esqr[Esquire]TremontTazewell Co.,Illinois–
[ docketing ]
A. Lincoln
July 30
2. . .3
1Abraham Lincoln wrote and signed the letter. He also authored the address on the back page, which was folded to create an envelope for mailing.
2The enclosure has not been located.
3John M. Bush wrote this docketing.

Autograph Letter Signed, 2 page(s), Grinnell College (Grinnell, IA).