Be it enacted by the People of the state of Illinois Represented in the General assembly that Josiah Randle of Madison County Illinois is hereby authorised and empowered so to alter and change the Recorded plate of the Salu addition to the Town of upper Alton in Madison County Illinois as to make the lots in Block Numbered Forty six and the East half of Block Numbered twenty two front upon North and South (to wit) on Amelia and Powhattan streets inste^a^d of fronting East and west as by the said Recorded plate said lots now do
Sec[Section] 2d The said Josiah Randle shall within three months from and after the passage of this act procure a survey of the Blocks and lots above specified to be made by the County surveyor of Madison County Illinois and execute a plat thereof and have the same duly recorded pursuant to the provisions of the laws of the [state]

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No 48 H R
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A Bill for an act changing a Town plat therein named
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ord Eng.[ordered Engrossed]
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Handwritten Document, 2 page(s), Folder 64, HB 102, GA Session 12-2, Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL) ,