If any Bank or other Corporate institutions of the state or any agent of the state or other person, whomsoever who may now have or hereafter ^may^ have the Care a[nd] or Custody of any Public money or other property of this state, and Shall [...?] illegally use, embezzle or retain the same all officers of such institutions or other persons, or any agent or officer of the State who may in any manner advise[,] aid[,] abet[,] or Conceal the same, all and any p [...?]who shall be liable to indictment and in conviction be confined in the penitentiary ^for a time^ not less than five nor more than ten years.

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[ docketing ]
Kitchell[]s amendt[amendment]
[ docketing ]

Handwritten Document, 2 page(s), Folder 41, HB 67, GA Session 12-2, Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL) ,