Amend by striking out 2nd & 3rd sec[section] of senate amendment and insert as follows:
Sec. 2 In making out the alphabetical and duplicate list of Taxable property required to be made by the Revenue Laws in for^ce^, the Assessor shall reserve the right hand side of each page in the Book containing such page list, columns of sufficient width to set down the state amount of state Tax, the amount of county Tax, and if a road tax be [allowed?] levied, also a column for such tax. The Assessor shall add up the several columns of figures in the Book or list, before delivering the same to the clerk of the county commissioners courts.
Sec. 3 Any person or persons owning or claiming lands advertised for sale for non payment of taxes may pay the taxes interest and costs due thereon before judgment. provided, that such collector shall be required to make a report to the court before judgment is rendered of all Lands upon which the taxes may have been paid subsequent to making his returns to the circuit court according to the fourth section of an act to amend an act concerning the public Revenue approved February [2?] th 1839. Sheriffs shall be authorized and required to receive taxes interests and costs on all Lands upon which judgement has been rendered, up to the [common?] consent of the time of sale of such Lands

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[ docketing ]
House Amdts.[Amendments] to Amdts. of Senate

Handwritten Document, 2 page(s), Folder 137, HB 194, GA Session: 12-2, Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL) ,