Amend the Bill By Striking out all after the enacting clause and insert the following
as a Substitute
That there shall be an election held during the present session of the Legislature, by a joint vote of both Houses to elect a competent Engineer to make the necessary exploration of this State relative to its susceptibility of internal improvement, the Character and extent
of the improvements that the exigency of our circumstances now demands and the probable
cost of the Same That Said Engineer be authorised to employ Such necessary help as he may Stand in need of to carry into effect his
undertaking, That said Engineer be particularly instructed to examine a route upon
which to construct a Rail Road, commencing at some suitable point on the Ohio River and running from thence to some suitable Northern termination at or between Chicago and Galena Also a cross Rail Road commencing at some notable point on the great wabash River and running thence to some notable
Convenient point on the Mississippi River so as to dissect as nearly as practicabl into four parts the state of Illinois And that said Engineer be required to make a full report of his proceedings to the
next Legislature. For the ostensible purpose
<Page 2>
that in the interim the people, the source of all political power, may have an opportunity, to fully examine the
premises, of this momentous question, of internal improvements, and thereby be prepared
partially, if not strictly, to say, to what extent to carry the system
[ docketing
[ docketing
A Substitute for the Bill of internal Improvement
[ docketing
not done
Handwritten Document, 2 page(s), Folder 91, HB 96, GA Session: 10-1,
Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL) ,