Resolved, That the Auditor of Public Accounts, be requested to furnish this House all the information in his power, in relation to the amount of money paid to Sheriffs and Clerks
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in the several counties in this State, and also, the probable amount of postage paid out in conformity to the revenue law, passed at the last session of the General Assembly of this State.
1On December 5, 1834, Christian B. Blockburger introduced the resolution in the House of Representatives. The House voted not to adopt the resolution.
Illinois House Journal. 1835. 9th G. A., 1st sess., 64-65.

Printed Transcription, 2 page(s), Journal of the House of Representatives of the Ninth General Assembly of the State of Illinois, at Their First Session (Vandalia, IL: J. Y. Sawyer, 1835), 64-65