Resolved, That the Governor be respectfully requested to inform this House whether or not the Bank of the State of Illinois has executed a bond to this State for the payment of the Wiggins loan, together with all interest accruing thereon, from the passage of “an act supplementary to an act incorporating the subscribers to the Bank of the State of Illinois,” approved 16th January 1836, and if so at what time the same was executed.2
1On December 30, 1836, George Galbreath introduced the resolution in the House of Representatives, and the House adopted it. The House received a response from Governor Joseph Duncan on January 2, 1837.
Journal of the House of Representatives of the Tenth General Assembly of the State of Illinois, at their First Session, (Vandalia, IL: William Walters, 1836), 142, 159.
2In 1831, the General Assembly had authorized borrowing $100,000 from Samuel Wiggins to replenish the school fund, from which the legislature had borrowed to pay state expenses, and to redeem State Bank of Illinois bank notes, which the state had purchased at a heavy discount and which became due in 1831, at face value in specie. Section four of the act required the bank to redeem the loan and interest before receiving the benefits of the act.
Reg Ankrom, Stephen A. Douglas: The Political Apprenticeship, 1833-1843 (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015), 79-80.

Printed Transcription, 1 page(s), Journal of the House of Representatives of the Tenth General Assembly of the State of Illinois, at Their First Session (Vandalia, IL: William Walters, 1836), 142