Promissory Note of John Hay and Others to the State Bank of Illinois, 22 March 1838 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Amendment to “A Bill for an Act to Increase the Capital Stock of the Bank of Illinois and to Provide Means to Pay the Interest on a Loan or Loans Authorized by an Act entitled 'An Act to Establish and (Legislative Digital Edition)
Summary of Legislative Debate on “A Bill Providing for the Payment of Interest on the State Debt,” 4 December 1840 (Legislative Digital Edition)
Summary of Legislative Debate on “A Bill Providing for the Payment of Interest on the State Debt,” 4 December 1840 (Legislative Digital Edition)
A Bill Providing for the Payment of Interest on the State Debt, [4 December 1840] (Legislative Digital Edition)
Amendment to A Bill for the Payment of Interest on the Public Debt, [8 December 1840] (Legislative Digital Edition)
Amendment to A Bill for the Payment of Interest on the Public Debt, [8 December 1840] (Legislative Digital Edition)
A Bill to Provide for the Payment of Interest on the Public Debt, [23 February 1841] (Legislative Digital Edition)
Promissory Note of Daniel E. Ruckel to Abraham Lincoln, 15 August 1851 (Campaign Digital Edition)
Promissory Note from Thomas C. Cantrall to Abraham Lincoln, 29 November 1852 (Campaign Digital Edition)
Promissory Note from Thomas C. Cantrall to Abraham Lincoln, 29 November 1852 (Campaign Digital Edition)
Abraham Lincoln to Ninian W. Edwards, 15 January 1853 (Campaign Digital Edition)