Abrams, William G.

Born: 1791-1800

Flourished: Springfield, Illinois

Abrams lived in Illinois as early as 1825 and in 1826, he married Jane C. Abrams in St. Charles County, MO. They settled in Springfield, Illinois, where Abrams owned and operated a livery stable. By 1854, Abrams had abandoned his wife and their eight children. Jane retained Lincoln & Herndon, sued for divorce on the grounds of abandonment as well as William's habitual gambling and drinking, and the court granted the divorce.

Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales, Morgan County, 68:13, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; U.S. Census Office, Fifth Census of the United States (1830), Sangamon County, IL, 184; Sangamo Journal (Springfield, IL), 7 June 1834, 1:1; U.S. Census Office, Sixth Census of the United States (1840), Sangamon County, IL, 7; Abrams v. Abrams, Martha L. Benner and Cullom Davis et al., eds., The Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln: Complete Documentary Edition, 2d edition (Springfield: Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, 2009), https://lawpracticeofabrahamlincoln.org/Details.aspx?case=138041.