Crawford, Mary (Polly)

Born: 1824-XX-XX Tennessee

Flourished: Franklin County, Illinois

Alternate name: Melvin

Mary (Polly) Crawford was a war widow. Born Mary (Polly) Melvin, she married Joel S. Crawford in April 1841. They remained married until Joel S. Carpenter's death in September 1848 while serving with the Second Illinois Foot Volunteers during the Mexican War. In 1850, she was living in Franklin County, Illinois, along with three children under the age of eight. In March 1852, Polly Crawford married John Moore.

Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, Franklin County, 28 April 1841, 8 March 1852, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; Isaac H. Elliott, Record of the Services of Illinois Soldiers in the Black Hawk War, 1831-32, and in the Mexican War, 1846-8 (Springfield, IL: H. W. Rokker, 1882), 244, 264; U.S. Census Office, Seventh Census of the United States (1850), Franklin County, IL, 20.