Irwin, Robert (Magnolia, IL)

Died: 1863-01-15 Arkansas

Flourished: Magnolia, Illinois

Robert Irwin was a businessman and Union Army officer. In 1858-59, Irwin was a notary public in Magnolia. In September 1862, Irwin became a captain in Company B, Seventy-Seventh Illinois Infantry Regiment. He died from wounds suffered in action at the Battle of Arkansas Post.

J. N. Reece, Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois (Springfield: Phillips Bros., 1901), 4:658; W. H. Bentley, History of the 77th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Sept. 2, 1862-July 10, 1865 (Peoria, IL: Edward Hine, 1883), 41; Illinois State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1858 and 1859(Chicago: George W. Hawes, 1859), 136; Illinois Civil War Muster and Descriptive Rolls, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL.