McClenahan, Henry

Born: 1798-03-20 Pendleton County, Kentucky

Died: 1857-06-16 Stark County, Illinois

Flourished: Knox County, Illinois

Alternate name: McClanahan

McClenahan married Sarah "Sally" Shawhan on June 25, 1821, in Pendleton County, Kentucky. They moved in 1826 from Kentucky to Rush County, Indiana. In 1834, he settled in an area of Knox County, Illinois, that later became part of Stark County. There he settled near his father, Elijah McClenahan Sr. In March 1839, voters in two townships in Knox County met at Henry McClenahan's house to determine whether they would join Knox County. McClenahan also served as one of the election judges. In 1840, McClenahan lived in Stark County with five other individuals in his household. In 1850, he was a farmer in Stark County with $3,280 in real property.

An Act for the Formation of the County of Stark, and for Other Purposes; U.S. Census Office, Sixth Census of the United States (1840), Stark County, IL, 214; U.S. Census Office, Seventh Census of the United States (1850), Stark County, IL, 214; J. Knox Hall, History of Stark County Illinois and Its People (Chicago: Pioneer, 1916), 1:60, 72-73, 2:94-95; G. Glenn Clift, Remember the Raisin!: Kentucky and Kentuckians in the Battles and Massacre at Frenchtown, Michigan Territory, in the War of 1812 (Frankfort: Kentucky Historical Society, 1961), 123-24; Stark County News (Toulon, IL), 10 February 1909, 8:2; Gravestone, McClenahan Cemetery, Stark County, IL.