Shaw, Milo C.
Flourished: 1830-05-26 Decatur, Illinois
In 1830, Shaw was a resident of Macon County, Illinois. By 1836, Shaw had acquired 80 acres of land in said county. He remained in Macon County until the mid 1840's. By 1850, Shaw was farming in Henry County, Iowa, owning $400 in real estate.
U.S. Census Office, Fifth Census of the United States (1830), Macon County, IL, 123; Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales, Macon County, 145:39, 96, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; U.S. Census Office, Sixth Census of the United States (1840), Macon County, IL, 18; U.S. Census Office, Seventh Census of the United States (1850), Henry County, IA, 189; Petition of Reuben Brown and Others to the Macon County Commissioners' Court.