Turnbull, Gilbert

Born: 1800-XX-XX Tennessee

Died: 1851-10-08 Illinois

Flourished: Warren County, Illinois

In 1830, Turnbull was living in Greene County, Ohio. In 1832, he moved to Warren County, Illinois. From 1834 to 1843, he served at various times as county school trustee, justice of the peace, and county assessor and treasurer. He also taught school. In the mid 1840s, he became a farmer near Oquawka in Henderson County. In April 1847, Henderson County voters elected Turnbull as a Whig to represent them at the Illinois constitutional convention. From January to November 1849, he represented Henderson County in the Illinois House of Representatives. In 1850, he was farming in Henderson County and owned real estate valued at $3,000.

Gravestone, Sugar Tree Grove Cemetery, Warren County, IL; Theodore C. Pease, ed., Illinois Election Returns, 1818-1848, vol. 18 of Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library (Springfield: Illinois State Historical Library, 1923), 448; John Clayton, comp., The Illinois Fact Book and Historical Almanac 1673-1968 (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1970), 217; Arthur Charles Cole, ed., The Constitutional Debates of 1847, vol. 14 of Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, Constitutional Series (Springfield: Illinois State Historical Library, 1919), 2:979-80; U.S. Census Office, Fifth Census of the United States (1830), Xenia, Greene County, OH, 292; U.S. Census Office, Seventh Census of the United States (1850), Henderson County, IL, 45.