Urquhart, John D.

Flourished: Sangamon County, Illinois

In 1832, Urquhart settled in Springfield, Illinois, where he began practicing law. In April 1838, he became the law partner of Stephen A. Douglas, a partnership that lasted until October 1839. Urquhart and Abraham Lincoln were adversaries in numerous cases across central Illinois. Politically, Urquhart was a Whig. He remained in Springfield until at least 1845,

Robert W. Johannsen, Stephen A. Douglas (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973), 89; John M. Palmer, ed., The Bench and Bar of Illinois: Historical and Reminiscent (Chicago: Lewis, 1899), 1:180; Sangamo Journal (Springfield, IL), 30 September 1837, 3:7; 14 April 1838, 2:7; 20 September 1839, 2:5; 24 October 1844, 2:6; Petition of William Wilson and Others to the U.S. Congress; For Urquhart's cases with Lincoln, search "Urquhart, John D.," Martha L. Benner and Cullom Davis et al., eds., The Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln: Complete Documentary Edition, 2d edition (Springfield: Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, 2009), http://www.lawpracticeofabrahamlincoln.org.