Amendment to “A Bill Permanently to Locate the Seat of Government of the State of Illinois,” [14 February 1837]1
Strike out the [wo]rd “twentieth” where it occurs, and insert “twenty th[ird”]
Fill the first blank with the word “fifty”
Fill the second blank with the word “three”
Add the following proviso to the 4th section.
Provided that this act shall be null and void, unless the sum of fifty thousand dollars be donated by individuals, and secured by bonds and security to be approved of by the Governor, and made payable to, and the State Treasurer, to become due at such time as the Governor shall direct, which bonds shall be executed and filed with the State Treasurer on or before the first day of May next; and which donation is especially designed to meet the appropriation herein before made, and shall be applied exclusively and immediately to that object; and also, unless a sufficient quantity of ^ground^, not less than two acres, to erect upon which to erect public buildings, be donated and conveyed to the State without expense to the State.

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Dunbar, amendment to Seat Government Bill adopted in C. W.[Committee of the Whole]
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also adopted in the House
1On February 14, 1837, Alexander P. Dunbar proposed this amendment, authored in Lincoln's handwriting, to the bill relocating the state capital.
Illinois House Journal. 1836. 10th G. A., 1st sess., 592-94.

Handwritten Document , 2 page(s), Lincoln Collection, SB 117, Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL).