Abraham Lincoln to John Bennett, 16 January 18461
Dear John:
The enclosed letters I wrote last night, but when I went to the Post-office this morning your mail had left about half an hour–2 So I send them by Mr Harris– Will ^you^ please take out the one addressed to you, and drop the others in your Post-office, unless you see the men to hand them to in person, in which case please do that–
Yours as everA. Lincoln
<Page 2>
Mr John BennettPetersburgIllinois.
Per. Mr Harris
[ docketing ]
A. Lincoln
1Abraham Lincoln wrote and signed the letter. He also authored the address on the back page, which was folded to create an envelope.
2The enclosed letters included Lincoln’s letter to John Bennett of the previous day.

Autograph Letter Signed, 2 page(s), Brown University (Providence, RI).