Abraham Lincoln to Moses Hampton, 1 June 18491
Charleston, Ills, June 1. 1849Hon: Moses HamptonDear Sir:At last, I have concluded to take the General Land-Office if I can get it– I have come to this conclusion, more to prevent what would be
generally bad for the party here, and particularly bad for me, than a positive desire for the office–2 Will you please write Old Zach (not Mr Ewing, but Old Zach) as pretty a letter for me, as you think the truth will permit?, Time
is important– What you do, do quickly–3
Your friend, as everA. Lincoln<Page 2>
2Justin H. Butterfield, James L. D. Morrison, and Cyrus Edwards were vying to become commissioner of the U.S. General Land Office. Lincoln entered
the competition for the position after learning that Butterfield was favored over
Morrison and Edwards. See the General Land Office Affair.
3“What you do, do quickly” is a biblical reference. In John 13:27, Jesus says this to Judas the night he was betrayed.
Moses Hampton’s reply to this letter has not been located. Neither Morrison, Edwards,
nor Lincoln received the appointment for commissioner of the U.S. General Land Office.
The job went to Butterfield instead. See the General Land Office Affair
Copy of Autograph Letter Signed, 2 page(s), Copies of Sold Documents,
Gallery of History (Las Vegas, NV).