William C. Scott to Abraham Lincoln, 7 May 18491
A Lincoln Esq[Esquire]Dr Sir–
I have for 2 or 3 days had a small roll of carpet (from Mr Louderman's) awaiting an opportunity by some one direct from Springd to forward you but as there is no one here for Spring–d[Springfield]– MrCresap of Jacksonville has kindly offered to take charge of it that far and endeavor to forward immediately from there— he leaves this afternoon and I have thot[thought] best to apprize you of it by mail— so that if you may avail yourself of any opportunity of getting it up— in case he may not have forwarded it in due time–2
Respectfully YoursWm C ScottMr Cresap— will be found at M Stacy's Esq–
1William C. Scott wrote the letter and postscript and signed the letter.
2Abraham Lincoln had purchased 71/4 yards of Brussels Carpet from the firm of J. C. Louderman & Company.

Autograph Letter Signed, 1 page(s), Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress (Washington, DC).