J. C. Louderman & Company to Abraham Lincoln, 2 May 18491
St Louis May 2nd 49Mr A LincolnSirWe this day received your order for 71/4 yds[yards] carpet. It has been put up and sent to Mr Scot who has kindly promised to forward it to you by the first oppertunity2Hopeing it may arrive in good time & Please
We are RespectfullyYours &c[etc]J C LoudermanSt Louis May 2 49Mr A Lincoln
Bos[Bill of Sale] of J C Louderman & Co–
71/4 yds Brussels Carpet @ 1.60 $11.60
2William C. Scott sought, without success, to consign the carpet to someone travelling
directly from St. Louis to Springfield, Illinois. Patrick Cresap of Jacksonville, Illinois, offered to take the carpet as far as Jacksonville, and left St. Louis with it on
the afternoon of May 7. Upon arriving in Jacksonville, Cresap left it with Mathew Stacy, who most likely delivered it to Abraham Lincoln.
Autograph Letter Signed, 1 page(s),
Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress (Washington, DC).