An act Supplemental to an Act concerning Public Roads Approved February 3d 1835
Sec.[Section] 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois Represented in the General Assembly That from and after the passage [of] this act the County Commissioners Courts of each ^and every^ County in this State that have heretofore levied a tax under and by virtue of the act concerning Public Roads Approved February 3rd 1835 and directed by any order of said Courts in what Road District the same shall be applied under the Eighteenth Section of said
Act or that may hereafter levy any such tax and direct the appropriation of the same
as aforesaid, whether for erecting, Bridges or otherwiseThe said Courts are hereby authorised to vacate such order at any succeeding regular or Special Term of their said Courts, and may order and direct the money so raised to the building of Bridges or otherwise
in any Road District in their respective Counties which shall to them appear for ^the^ most Public utility.2
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Indefinitely Post Poned
Jany[January] 5.
Jany[January] 5.
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1On December 15, 1836, William A. Minshall in the House of Representatives presented the petition of the County Commissioners of Schuyler County, requesting passage of an act authorizing them to appropriate funds for construction
of a bridge. The House referred the petition to the Committee on the Judiciary.
In response to this petition, John Dougherty of the Committee on the Judiciary introduced HB 11 on December 19. The House passed
the bill on December 31. On January 5, 1837, the Senate postponed indefinitely consideration of the bill.
Illinois House Journal. 1836. 10th G. A., 1st sess., 52, 74, 137, 153, 181; Illinois Senate Journal. 1836. 10th G. A., 1st sess., 137, 157.
2Section seventeen of the 1835 act authorized county commissioners’ courts to levy property taxes for road purposes.
Section eighteen specified how the revenue realized was to be expended.
Handwritten Document, 2 page(s), Folder 11, HB 11, GA Session 10-1, Illinois State Archives (Springfield, IL) , Â