IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, That in pursuance of law,Abraham LincolnofSangamoCounty Illinois,on this day [p]urchased of the Register of this Office, the lots orNorth part of the North Westquarter of Section, numberThree,of Township numberNineteenNorth, in Range No.SevenWest of the third principal Meridian; containing Forty Sevenacres, andhundredths of an acre, at the rate of One Dollar and Twenty-five Cents per acre, amounting toFifty Eight Dollars andSeventy fiveCents; for which the saidAbraham Lincolnhas made payment in full as required by law.1
NOW THEREFORE BE IT KNOWN, That on presentation of this certificate to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, the saidAbraham Lincolnshall be entitled to receive a Patent for the lot above described.
George ForquerREGISTER.

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[ docketing ]
[ docketing ]
Patd[Patented] 1st Nov. 1839.
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Rec Vol[Recorded Volume] 1[3?] 1
Page 355
1The land described here is in northern Menard County, bordering the Sangamon River.

Partially Printed Document Signed, 2 page(s), Vault, RG 49, Entry Unknown: Records of the Bureau of Land Management, NAB