Bergen, Abram S.
Born: 1803 New Jersey
Died: 1848 Knox County, Illinois
Flourished: 1831 Menard County, Illinois
In 1824, Bergen married Elizabeth White in Sangamon County, Illinois. In 1830, Bergen lived in a section of Sangamon County that would later be subsumed into Menard County. In 1831, Bergen served as an election clerk in the election for Clary's Grove Precinct. By 1840, Bergen was living in Knox County, Illinois.
U.S. Census Office, Fifth Census of the United States (1830), Sangamon County, IL, 199; U.S. Census Office, Sixth Census of the United States (1840), Knox County, IL, 50; Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, Sangamon County, 25 November 1824, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; Election Returns for Clary’s Grove Precinct in Sangamon County, Illinois.