Sweet, Morris
Born: 1813-04-08 Otsego County, New York
Flourished: 1837- Sangamon County, Illinois
Morris, a son of Robert Sweet, grew up in New York and moved with his parents and siblings to the Loami area of western Sangamon County, Illinois, in 1837. There he married Olivia Barger in 1839, and they had nine children together. They settled in the Loami area, where Sweet was a farmer and laborer. In 1860, he owned $500 worth of real estate and $1,500 worth of personal property.
John Carroll Power and S. A. Power, History of the Early Settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois (Springfield, IL: Edwin A. Wilson, 1876), 698; U.S. Census Office, Seventh Census of the United States (1850), Sangamon County, IL, 174; U.S. Census Office, Eighth Census of the United States (1860), Sangamon County, IL, 187.