In force 4th March, 1837.
AN ACT Supplemental to an act entitled, “An Act to erect certain bridges,” approved
January 22d, 1831.
Sec.[Section] 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois represented in the General Assembly, That the counties of Knox and McDonough shall be entitled to all the benefits of the act to which this is supplemental, Provided, the county Commissioners Courts of said counties, shall comply with the requisites of said act, within two years
from the passage of this act.1
Approved 4th March, 1837.
1That act to which this act was an amendment allowed for appropriations of $200 each
to Knox County for the purpose of building a bridge across Spoon River, and to McDonough
County for the purpose of building a bridge across Crooked Creek.
“An Act to Erect Certain Bridges,” 22 January 1831, Laws (1831), 37-38.
Printed Document, 1 page(s), Laws of the State of Illinois, Passed by the Tenth General Assembly (Vandalia, IL: William Walters, 1837), 26, GA Session: 10-1