John T. Stuart and Abraham Lincoln to Thomas Bohannon, 7 August 18391
Messrs TMr Thomas BohannanDr[Dear] Sir
Yours of the 29th ult. is duly received— 2 It was our impression that we had acknowledged the receipt of the two notes of which you speak—one being on Allen & Stone for $11794 the other on J. Francis for $5035— We now do so—
We have been receiving promises from time to time of the payment of those notes, but which payment has not yet been made— Unless payment is soon made we shall commence suits; though this course we shall regret; for they are honest and honorable men, but they are hard pressed— We regret to say that the entire certainty that we shall need all the means at our command, will not, in justice to [...?] ourselves, permit us to authorize you to draw upon us as you suggest—3
Yours &c.[etc]Stuart & Lincoln
<Page 2>
AUG[August] 8
Mr Thos BohannanLouisvilleKy—
[ docketing ]
Stewart & Lincoln
1Abraham Lincoln wrote the body of the letter in its entirety, signed for Stuart & Lincoln, and wrote the address on page two.
2Thomas Bohannan’s letter of July 29 has not been located.
3Thomas Bohannan & Co. hired Stuart & Lincoln to collect debts from Allen & Stone and Josiah Francis, debtors of Bohannan & Co. In October, Stuart & Lincoln collected $126 of the debts.
There is a discrepancy in the amount of Francis‘s debt. Lincoln in this letter recorded it as $50.35, but the office fee book listed it as $51.35.
Note regarding Remittance to Thomas Bohannon; Stuart & Lincoln collected debt for Thomas Bohannan & Co., Martha L. Benner and Cullom Davis et al., eds., The Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln: Complete Documentary Edition, 2d edition (Springfield: Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, 2009),

Autograph Letter Signed, 2 page(s), Lincoln Collection, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (Springfield, IL).