Statement regarding Larrance’s Post Office Chart, 10 November 18581
Springfield, Ills. Novr 10. 1858I have ^Having^ hastily examined “Larrance’s Post-office Chart” and considered the principle upon which it is arranged, I think
it will prove to be a great convenience to Post-Masters and others whose business lead them to search
out particular localities upon maps.2
A Lincoln32According to a statement by two of Isaac Larrance’s children written in 1925, on the date that Lincoln wrote this statement, Larrance
called on Lincoln at the latter’s office in Springfield. There Larrance showed Lincoln
one of his publications of a map and accompanying diagram, designed to allow a user
to find a location instantly. This publication may have been Larrance’s Post Office Chart: Diagram of the State of Illinois (Cincinnati: I. A. Pittman, 1858).
Larrance’s children also reported that at this November 10, 1858 meeting between Larrance
and Lincoln, Lincoln’s recent electoral loss to Stephen A. Douglas in the 1858 race for the U.S. Senate was mentioned, causing Lincoln to remark: “I did not expect to be elected, I was
killing bigger game.”
69 Cong. Rec. 3312 (1927); The Lincoln Collection Formed by Emanuel Hertz New York City Sold by His Order: Part
One Autographs (New York: Anderson Galleries, 1927), 39.