Larrance, Isaac (Lawrence)

Born: 1804-06-14 North Carolina

Died: 1896-03-18 Ohio

Alternate name: Lawrence

Isaac Larrance (Lawrence), teacher and map publisher, studied Latin, geometry, and surveying at an unidentified institution of higher learning, then subsequently taught school for a decade. Between 1854 and 1857 he was postmaster of a locality in Hendricks County, Indiana, whose name changed from Morrisville to Amo during his tenure in office. From at least the late 1850s onwards, Larrance published works he called postal charts, which included maps of midwestern locations and tools for easily finding locations on the maps. By 1860 he had relocated to Cincinnati, where he continued as a map publisher. Larrance married Elizabeth Ellis in 1833 and the pair had children. In religion, he was a Quaker.

Indiana Marriages through 1850, 18 September 1833, Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, IN; Record of Appointment of Postmasters, 1832-1971, NARA Microfilm Publication, M841, 145 rolls, Records of the Post Office Department, RG 28, 1842-1858, 14:200-201, National Archives Building, Washington, DC; Isaac Larrance, Larrance’s Post Office Chart: Diagram of the State of Illinois (Cincinnati: I. A. Pittman, 1858); U.S. Census Office, Eighth Census of the United States (1860), Ward 14, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, OH, 96; The Israelite 7 (14 September 1860), 87; Williams’ Cincinnati Directory (Cincinnati: C. S. Williams, 1861), 221; Williams’ Cincinnati Directory (Cincinnati: Williams, 1864), 234; Isaac Larrance, Larrance’s Post Office Chart, and Maps of Ten States (Cincinnati: I. A. Pittman, 1866); The Friend: A Religious and Literary Journal 70 (22 August 1896), 38; Gravestone, Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, OH.